
Unions are the Unpatriot, Jihadists, Liberal, Terrorist, Atheist, Neighbor Who Wants to Kill you

In Current Events, Economics on August 20, 2011 at 19:43

Tex Shelters here, and I assert that unions are dangerous. They have done so much harm to real America that they alone are the reason we are in dire debt to China.

Back in late 1800s, the Knights of Labor cut into our profits by forcing us to consider the eight hour day. After about 50 years of labor agitation, the Adamson Act was passed in 1917. It forced railroads to institute an eight hour day and pay overtime. It is not a coincidence that this bill passed the same years as the Russian Revolution; the eight hour day was was a communist attack on America. The American Federation of Labor forced the government, through threat of strike, to cut back on worker’s hours, thus reducing our constitutional and God given right to exploit workers for maximum profit.

Union workers get higher pay which leads to inflation, and working families pay more for goods and services. Forget the fact that these same families have members in unions that make higher pay and will thus be unaffected by the slight increase in the cost of consumer goods. Forget the fact that when union workers get paid more, all workers get paid more.  No, we must focus on the inflationary effects of rising wages. And remember non-union workers: union workers are out to get you by making more money than you and getting benefits you don’t have. You must attack union workers and NOT attack the increasingly wealthy corporations and CEOs that keep cutting your pay and benefits and moving your jobs to another state or country. It is fellow workers that are out to get you, so you must get them first. Thank you.

Please America, keep thinking that unions cause unemployment, for that helps us manipulate the reserve pool of labor we have created in the United States. Yes, when a union worker makes more money than you, it means we have less money to hire more people, for we must keep our giant bonuses and luxury homes and hire more management to deal with unruly union workers and the restless unemployed. Moreover, our security costs go up as we have to defend against the retribution of the increasing number of workers we lay off. All this is the fault of unions, so go after them and leave us alone.

You must avoid unions because in a union you vote. In many unions, you vote directly on issues that affect you at work, and we don’t like direct democracy. Unions are corrupt bastions of collective people. If people work alone, like Bernie Maddoff or Martha Stewart or Bernard Ebbers of WorldCom, or Ken Lay of Enron, and many many more, then there is less room for corruption. But working collectively, like unions do, leads to corruption. For example, it was unions that forced Wall Street to commit corporate crimes and manipulate the markets leading to the recent economic collapse.

The most criminal thing that unions have done to America is to keep young children out of the work force. Unions worked with feminists, another cause of the current economic crisis, to rid the land of child labor. What did this group of mothers and laborers have against children? Women pretended to care about stunted growth, lost childhoods, lack of education, injuries and exploitation of children in factories because they were lonely at home for 10-12 hours a day as their eight-year-olds explored workplace opportunities shoveling coal and sewing garments for wealthy children.

And unions were even worse. They wanted these cushy jobs for themselves. By preventing children from working, they not only raised the cost of clothing and other goods for the people, they increased the power of unions and created a more educated, more dangerous, population of future progressives that lead to the progressive movement in the early 1900s that we have never recovered from.

Modern day unions have made our schools unsafe for god and guns. Teachers are the most dangerous type of worker left in the United States because they are the only large block of union workers left, outside of the police and firefighters. And we can’t attack the police and firefighters and get away with it. Thus, we attack the teachers because they get in the way of corporatization of the educational experience and work to prevent the dumbing down of the learning experience. If teachers weren’t in the way, we would have a population of worker drones willing to live off of slop and ready to let the Republicans and their patrons control everything from whom we vote for to where we shit.

As you can see, unions are dangerously getting in the way of our final solution for America. Won’t you join me in attacking unions and other workers and help us subjugate you?

Tex Shelters

Bosses lies about unions

  1. Hear, hear! Well said! I can only nod in astonished and reverential admiration.

  2. The Ferengi would never tolerate Ubnions!

  3. The money grubber unions today are not the same as the Debs-ian collectivists of old whose struggle was right to work and workplace safety not tax payer paid penions, healthcare and other perks.

  4. CR,

    I think you read and watch too much mainstream media and don’t know enough union leaders personally. I spend plenty of time with union workers and leaders. They are not as you suggest, and they are struggling over the issues you listed everyday.

    Tex Shelters

  5. Mainstream Media influence. That has to be it.

    There is no chance the Union Corporatists of today are 180 from the true Union labor principals this Country was built on.

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