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Gun Fetishists, Do the Right Thing

In Uncategorized on December 6, 2015 at 17:20

In the South Park episode, “Cash for Gold”, elderly people are ripped off by informercials selling them cheap jewelry they don’t need. The elderly get so angry that by the end of the show they are calling up the thieving infomercial host and telling him, on the air, “Why don’t you just kill yourself.” That’s the level of anger the U.S. citizenry now has for gun fetishists who kill others because they have hurt feelings or can’t get their way. I speak for many angry Americans when I say to the deranged gun fetishists who are planning to kill others in a mass spree-shooting: “Go kill yourselves.”

Yes. I said, “Go kill yourselves.” Do this nation a favor and die. If you are too fucked up to seek help, think killing others is the answer, and have plans to do so, just kill yourself. Now. Don’t think about it. Die at your own hand.

Whether you are gun-nut angry because of your religion, your anti-choice ideology, the loss of a job, bullying in school, post traumatic stress, or a lost relationship, seek help. There is no reason to murder others. Whatever your excuse is, if you plan to murder innocents, do us a favor and swallow your gun.

Most gun owners and people without guns want to stop senseless gun violence. Won’t you kill yourself for them. No, don’t stop to kill your family, your wife or kids, parents or classmates first. Do it NOW! Most of us don’t want you in this nation if all you have is murder in your heart and revenge in you hands. Take your gun, stick it in your mouth, and pull the trigger. And before doing it, dig a pit and lie in it when you shoot off your face. That will save people the trouble of having to dig you a grave.

I know this sounds harsh, but if spree killers would just kill themselves, about 350 lives would have been spared from mass killings this year alone. Since 1982, there have been over 3600 deaths due to mass shootings, shootings of more than 4 people. Those lives would have been spared if spree shooters would just turn that gun on themselves and do the right thing.

Besides lives being lost, there are billions of dollars to be saved if gun fetishists would use a bullet to prevent these spree shootings. That includes hospital costs, time lost at work and other productive activities, emergency response and other costs. Certainly, the cost hasn’t been desegregated to show what it costs for spree shootings alone, but if all gun violence in recent years has cost us $229 billion dollars, and spree shootings are about 1% of all gun deaths, then we can extrapolate that spree shootings cost $2.29 billion dollars in the U.S.   I would estimate that would be higher for spree shootings because of high cost for all the first responders involved in such mass shootings. So, for gun fetishists with the intent to kill, shooting themselves is fiscally responsible. Even responsible, more conservative gun owners can get behind that.

The time for discussing the issue of gun safety is over. Guns don’t kill people, assholes WITH guns kill people. What we need gun maniacs to do is kill themselves as soon as they can. Since many of them enjoy open carry laws for guns, the opportunity is there. And they should NOT take anyone with them or shoot themselves while driving and potential hurt others. Just Do It! Swoosh!

I have written several articles about gun safety and why we don’t need automatic weapons and why we need background checks and regulations and they haven’t done a thing. What we need is a national call for all gun fetishists who take pleasure in killing people to shoot their tiny little brains out of their heads. Now.

I have debunked every illogical excuse gun fetishists use to block sensible gun regulation again and again, and that does not move anyone. Moreover, Congress won’t do anything, for they are being paid by the gun lobbies to remain silent as people get killed by gun violence at an ever increasing rate.

When the government fails to act, do it yourself. I want gun nuts to take that self hatred they have for humanity and focus it on the real problem. In the words of Johnny Rotten, “The problem is YOU! Now what you gonna do?”  Turn that hatred inward, that’s it, do it, pull the trigger, kill yourself.

Let me thank you beforehand for your heroic work in killing a public threat.

You might be a gun fetishists if you:

1. Buy more guns and bullets every time you see Obama on television.

2. You think you need an AK-47 to hunt muskrat.

3. You have more empathy for the spree shooters than the victims of a shooting.

4. You think Obama, while waving a UN flag, will take away your  guns.

5. You think the 2nd Amendment is part of the Bible.

6. You think gun regulations are how the Nazis were able to kill so many Jews.

7. You think that if you had enough guns, you could fight off the U.S. military.

8. If you horde guns and ammunition way beyond your means.

The accomplices of the gun fetishists, heads of the NRA, gun manufacturers, gun lobbyists, gun fetishist Senators and Congressman (you know who you are), need to lead by example and shoot themselves too. Do it for the children, for the people, for apple pie, the flag, and liberty. Shoot yourselves for God and country! I pray that you do the right thing in our time of need.

Tex Shelters